The World Bank, PRIO and the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs are organizing a seminar on `Peace, Stability and Development in the Middle East and North Africa’. The Middle East region is home to violent conflict on a local, national, and international level with tangible threats to social stability and the development gains that go with it***.*** The multiple causes and consequences of violence, including colonial legacy, the Israel-Palestine conflict, the competition for natural resources and energy, the weakness of statehood and the stagnation of politics all appear to reinforce each other to the detriment of economic development in the region. The World Bank is currently working on a Flagship study of Peace, Stability and Development in the Middle East and North Africa, and several of the research teams doing reports for this study will present their findings. Papers on the political consequences of conflict, on youth education and conflict, on water and conflict and on human rights and development assistance in contexts of violent conflict will be presented and discussed.

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