The Centre for the Study of Civil War once again presented a civil war related film followed by a seminar on the opening night of the National Science Week (Forskningsdagene). The film chosen for this year's event is called The Terrorist, about the young girl Malli and her mission as a suicide bomber.
After the screening, the audience met a panel consisting of: Scott Gates, Director of the CSCW (Panel leader) Iselin Frydelund, PRIO Researcher Patrick Regan, CSCW Researcher The film and the film seminar was followed by an informal reception in 'Glassbaren' at Chateau Neuf, to follow up on questions and debates the seminar did not give room for. The screening and seminar is a collaboration between the Centre for the Study of Civil War at PRIO, Films from the South, Cinema Neuf, and National Science Week (Forskningsdagene).