China has re-engaged on a large scale on the African continent in recent years. Together with vigorous resource diplomacy, developing political alliances and new strategic partnerships, China has increased its investment and manufacturing markedly, with Sino-African trade expanding from US $10 billion in 2000 to US$30 billion 2005.
What does China's new involvement in Africa mean?
China’s proven development record and FDI are deeply appealing to many African governments, and offers the potential of assisting Africa in its development efforts. However, its close relations with regimes such as Zimbabwe or Sudan are controversial, and the beginnings of a backlash against the expanding Chinese presence are evident, indicated by South African and Ghanian complaints against the negative impact of cheap imports of Chinese clothes.
- Is China a much-needed friend, or an emerging imperialist power?
- Will Chinese investments endanger demands for transparency and accountability and social responsibility directed at Western transnationals in Africa?
- Does China threaten to subvert attempts to promote democracy, human rights and liberal development in Africa, or can it help develop Africa?
- What does China really want in Africa?
Date/time: 28 February, 18.15-20.00
Venue: Aud. 7, Eilert Sundts hus, SV-bygget, Blindern, Oslo.
Chair: Magnus Berge, FN-sambandet and board member of the Norwegian Council for Africa
The seminar is part of Ulandsseminaret at Blindern, organised by the Norwegian Council for Africa in cooperation with SUM.
No registration required.