The conflict in Afghanistan is closely intertwined with political tensions in the country's neighbourhood. There is a clear need for a regional response. What are the prospects for a genuinely concerted approach? Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and PRIO invite you to a new event in its Afghanistan seminar series.
In a recent article published in Foreign Affairs - 'From Great Game to Grand Bargain' - Barnett R. Rubinand Ahmed Rashid argued that to reverse the collapse of security in Afghanistan, there was a need for a "major diplomatic initiative involving all the regional stakeholders in problem-solving talks and setting out road maps for local stabilization efforts".
How can such a new course be set, and what would be its major elements? The Mumbai attack in November last year led to a deterioration of India-Pakistan relations, with potentially severe effects for Afghanistan. The new regime in Washington has signalled a major overhaul of its engagement with Afghanistan and the region. In this seminar, we will take stock of the regional situation, and look critically at possible ways ahead.
Chair: Stein Tønnesson, PRIO
Discussant: Kristian Berg Harpviken, PRIO
Please register your participation by sending an e-mail to: seminar@prio.no