PRIO invites you to the screening of the film REUNION by Jon Haukland. The film will be followed by a conversation between Henrik Syseand Ambassador Kai Eide(current Norwegian representative to the Balkans). You are also invited to mingling and light refreshments after the event.
The film is in English, with Norwegian subtitles.
Buy tickets directly at Oslo Kino: www.oslokino.no
In 1999 Serbian military forces and Albanian guerrillas were fighting in Kosovo. Serbs and Albanians lived separated lives.
As their country was on the brink of war, a group of brave students decided to meet their enemies for the first time.
Director Jon Haukeland was there, resulting in the documentary Before the bombs.
Two weeks after the meeting, NATO bombed, the war started and they all lost track of each other – until now.
Ten years later we have tracked down the participants, and they will meet again for the first time.
The conflicts between them are now even stronger. Both groups have separate opinions of what really happened.
When they watch the film of their last meeting they are confronted with their previous self.
Now, the tables are turned. Will the new regime imitate their former oppressor?