Submission of abstracts for this workshop closed on 15 June 2011. We received a very large number of applications before the deadline and have completed the selection procedure. There is no room for additional participants. The workshop programme will later be posted on this page.

Call for abstracts

How do moralities shape migration and subsequent transnational practices? Much research has addressed the influence of presumed universal rationality; less systematic attention has been given to the role of socially grounded moralities in directing the behaviour of migrants and their counterparts in transnational relationships. Under what circumstances is migration condemned or acclaimed in migrants’ communities of origin? What forms of deception in the migration process are deemed morally justifiable by migrants and which are not? Why are certain remittance transfers perceived to be a moral imperative? The migration research team of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) will host an explorative workshop on the moralities of migration and invites abstracts that address these or similar questions.

Objective and scope: The workshop is concerned with descriptive moralities, i.e. the socially constructed codes of conduct that migrants and their communities relate to. (This implies that contributions about the normative moralities of how migration ought to take place or be governed, fall outside the scope of the workshop) We invite contributions that are based on empirical research, either with a specific case or synthesizing across cases. Theoretical extensions from empirical accounts are particularly welcome. The primary objective is to better understand how migration-related behaviour is shaped by culturally specific moralities.

Expected contribution: In order to facilitate targeted contributions that address the core theme of the workshop, we do not require full-length papers. Shorter memos that explore key ideas are also welcome. This should allow participants to draw upon their past publications, unpublished data and new thinking. The written contributions will be circulated in advance.

Format and costs: The workshop will have a limited number of participants and will not be open to the public. Selected participants must cover their own travel expenses. The organizers will cover accommodation (3 nights) and meals for the duration of the workshop. There is no participation fee.

Context and host: The workshop is organized in conjunction with the research project Theorizing Risk, Money and Moralities in Migration (TRiMM), which is funded by the Research Council of Norway and carried out in collaboration with Fafo Applied International Research. Conveners of the workshop are Jørgen Carling (PRIO), María Hernández Carretero (PRIO) and Cecilie Øien (Fafo). Confirmed participants include Julie Chu (University of Chicago), Stephen Lubkemann (George Washington University) and Deirdre McKay (Keele University)

• 15 June 2011: Deadline for submission of abstracts
• 30 June 2011: Notification of acceptance decisions
• 15 November 2011: Deadline for submission of written contributions
• 12 December 2011: Arrival in Oslo
• 13–14 December 2011: Workshop
• 15 December 2011: Departure

Abstracts and additional information must be entered in the customized application form

  1. Download the form (Click here).
  2. Save the form, complete it and save the completed version
  3. Send the form by using the Submit button in the form, or e-mail it to Jørgen Carling (
  4. Wait for confirmation. (If you do not receive a confirmation within three days, please get in touch to ensure that you application has been received.)

By following this procedure you help us minimize administration costs and devote more resources to the workshop itself. (You will need Acrobat Reader or equivalent software to complete the form. If you are unable to follow the standard application procedure, download this MS Word form, complete and submit.)

We expect to receive more submissions than can be accommodated at the workshop. A selection will then be made on the basis of the quality and relevance of abstracts.