The Minister of Foreign Relations of Brazil, Antonio de Aguiar Patriota will be our guest at a seminar regarding the role of Brazil in global governance structures. His talk is entitled "The UN Security Council: a time for multilateralism, diplomacy and reform". The end of the Cold War and the demise of the bipolar world order heralded an era of transition for global governance. Twenty years on, there remains a lack of consensus on the status of the distribution and exercise of power in today’s multipolar world. What is clear, however, is the rise of new powers seeking a global political role comparable with their increased economic clout. These states, often called “rising powers” or “new powers” because of their rapid economic development, and expanding political and cultural influence are changing the dynamics of power in the international system by seeking a greater voice in international institutions and building political bonds through regional organisations. The seminar will reflect upon the rise of Brazil and discuss its impact both regionally and globally.
The seminar will be opened by Ambassador Helga Hernes, senior advisor at PRIO. Dr. Benedicte Bull, leader of the Norwegian Latin America Research Network (NorLARNet) and Associate Professor at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) at the University of Oslo, will comment. Dr. Pinar Tank, Research Director at PRIO, will moderate the session.
This seminar is a collaboration between NorLARNet, the Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOREF), and the Regions and Powers research group at PRIO.
Light refreshment will be served.
We welcome you to a unique opportunity to engage in an interesting discussion!