Independent Commission on Turkey (ICT) was set up with Open Society Foundation - Turkey’s support, and came to be known as the “Wise People” in the Turkish media. Aiming to closely follow Turkey’s accession process to the European Union, the Commission launched its third report on Turkey, Turkey in Europe: The Imperative for change in Istanbul on April 7, 2014. ICT looked into the developments of the past five years under four headings, namely political reforms, economy, energy, and foreign policies. The report also analyses Cyprus’s unique position in the Mediterranean energy politics and the opportunities this position presents.

Download the report here.

Martti Ahtisaari, 2008 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and former President of Finland


  • Emma Bonino, former Foreign Minister of Italy and Former European Commissioner
  • Albert Rohan, Former Secretary General of Foreign Affairs, Austria.
  • Nathalie Tocci, Istituto Affari Internazionali and Rapporteur of the Commission

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