Welcome to a seminar with Luke Patey, author of The New Kings of Crude: China, India, and the Global Struggle for Oil in Sudan and South Sudan
For over a decade, Sudan fuelled the international rise of China's national oil companies. But the division of Africa's largest country resulting in the birth of South Sudan, challenged China to chart a new course. With the outbreak of conflict last December a new page was turned and Chinese diplomats scrambled to reinvigorate their foreign policies towards South Sudan and to protect their interests. The talk will discuss the overseas investments of Chinese national oil companies, their close ties with their respective governments in Beijing, and their experiences with political and security risks in Sudan and South Sudan.
Luke Patey is senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies and research associate at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, University of Oxford. He is also co-editor of Sudan Looks East: China, India, and the Politics of Asian Alternatives (James Currey, 2011). His articles have appeared in African Affairs, Middle East Policy, Third World Quarterly, and the Journal of Modern African Studies. He has also written for the Financial Times, The Guardian, The Hindu, and VICE News.
A limited number of copies of The New Kings of Crude will be available for purchase at a reduced price of 150 NOK. Please bring the exact amount in cash if you are interested in purchasing a copy. The book is also available for purchase here.