PRIO, the Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies and NTNU have the pleasure of inviting you to the third seminar of the Humanitarian Innovation Lab dialogue series, a platform where Norwegian and International stakeholders can discuss 'the humanitarian market'.
Background: It has been acknowledged that the humanitarian relief system needs a paradigm shift, in which private enterprises are invited to the table of collaborations. In our discussion, we will focus on the structures of the humanitarian market as per today and new approaches that are taken to foster innovation in private-humanitarian partnerships. This debate on humanitarian market structures includes whether or not it should remove itself from the status as a quasi-market. Should emergency relief contexts be regarded as direct market opportunities, or are there other and more responsible approaches that can foster humanitarian innovation?
The seminar will address the following key issues:
- The relationship between private and humanitarian sector
- Selection processes and follow up – drivers, barriers and accountability
- Humanitarian market: quasi-or direct market opportunities?
- The roles of local partners and systemic approaches
- Creating longer term opportunities for innovation and impact in humanitarian markets: is it possible (and meaningful)?
09:00 Welcome & introductions
- Kristin B. Sandvik (PRIO): Challenges of the humanitarian market
09:30 What are the challenges facing humanitarian markets today? A practioner's perspective
- Corinna Shüttler-Kvarme (Norwegian Church Aid- NCA)
- Eric Demers (Norwegian Refugee Council- NRC)
- Luke Dokter (A-Aqua)
- Mathilde Byskov (the Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System- NOREPS)
- Synne Christiansen (Design without Borders- DwB)
11:30 Lunch
12:15 Academic perspectives on the private/humanitarian relationship:
- Brita Fladvad Nielsen (NTNU)- Mapping of multiple agendas to understand and increase the impact of product, service and system innovation in humanitarian action
- Linnet Taylor (University of Amsterdam)- Innovation, disruption and competition in the humanitarian sphere
- Marianne Jahre (BI Norwegian Business School)- Humanitarian (inter)action: Improving supply chains through relationships
13:45 Coffee Break
14:00 Panel discussion: The humanitarian sector and private sector actors: a problem of values or objectives?
The seminar is in English.
N.B. A light lunch will be provided.
Contact info:
Brita Fladvad Nielsen - brita.nielsen@ntnu.no / Tel: +47 954 24 055
Eric Cezne- ericez@prio.org / Tel: +47 478 20 359