Please be welcome to a public debate about Norway's efforts in Afghanistan, a week after the Godal commission's report is handed over to the Foreign Secretary and the Secretary of Defence.
The Godal commission's report is an assessment of Norway's military and civil engagements in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. What did we learn? What did it mean for Afghanistan? And what does policy-makers have to consider the next time Norway is asked to contribute in international operations?
View this event on Litteraturhuset's homepage
This is the first event in a series of three. This first round will consider the report from a Norwegian perspective. During the Afghanistan Week in September (which PRIO is co-hosting), the Afghan and the international perspectives will be discussed.
Liv Kjølseth, Secretary General of the Norwegian Afghanistan Comittee.
Bjørn Tore Godal, leader of the Godal comission on Afghanistan, will present the main findings of the report.
Arne Strand, Chr. Michelsen Institute
Cecilie Hellestveit, International Law & Policy Institute
Sverre Diesen, FFI
- Henrik Sys e, PRIO
This event is co-hosted by the Norwegian Afghanistan Committe, CMI, and PRIO
NB: Please note that this event is in Norwegian.