The intersections of 'Migration, Transnationalism and Catholicism' become apparent in migrants’ religious transnationalism, but also in the effects of migration-related-diversity on non-migrant Catholics and the Church itself. The extent to which migrants’ religiosity transforms Catholicism, and the negotiations of unity in diversity within the Roman Catholic Church, are some of the themes running through the book, which will be discussed during this book launch.
How do migration, transnationalism and Catholicism intersect?
During this book launch, Dominic Pasura(University of Glasgow) and Marta Bivand Erdal(Peace Research Institute Oslo) will present insights from the book 'Migration, Transnationalis, and Catholicism: Global perspectives', show-casing the diverse ways in which migration and transnationalism, through multiple spaces and encounters, are moulding the Roman Catholic Church as institution and parish, pilgrimage and network, community and people.
08.15 Coffee/tea
Chair: Greg Reichberg (Peace Research Institute Oslo)
08.30 'Migration, Transnationalism, and Catholicism: Global perspectives' (Marta Bivand Erdal and Dominic Pasura)
08.40 'Transnational Religious Practices and Negotiation of Difference Among Zimbabwean Catholics in Britain' (Dominic Pasura)
08.55 ‘When Poland Became the Main Country of Birth Among Catholics in Norway’: Polish Migrants’ Everyday Narratives and Church Responses to a Demographic Re-Constitution' (Marta Bivand Erdal)
09.10 Comments by Sindre Bangstad(Institute for the Church, Religion, and Worldview Research) and Berit S Thorbjørnsrud(Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo).
09.30 Questions, comments and discussion
10.00 End of seminar