The second TRANSAD workshop debates critical issues in the interplay between technology, security and warfare. It addresses topics such as the international politics of security technologies, technological innovations, and the legal and ethical issues raised by these developments.
The workshop is hosted by the University of Bath, PRIO's partner in the project.
Room: Council Chamber (Wessex House), University of Bath
09:30 – Arrival and Registration
09:45 – Welcome and Opening Remarks
André Barrinha, University of Bath
Bruno Oliveira Martins, PRIO
10:00 – Session 1: The International Politics of Security Technologies
Chair: Patrick Bury, University of Bath
Discussant: André Barrinha, University of Bath
Brett Edwards, University of Bath
Title: Wicked technology? Dealing with Complexity and Ambiguity in International Security
Alicia Wanless, King’s College
Title: Beyond War: Exploring how information communication technologies are used by adversarial actors with the aim of influencing opinions in liberal democracies while operating below the threshold of war
James Rogers, University of South Denmark and Yale University
Title: Terrorist Drones and Future War
11:15 – Coffee break
11:30 – Session 2: Technological innovation and warfare
Chair: Alex Neads, University of Bath
Discussant: Chantal Lavallée, Royal Military College Saint-Jean
Hendrik Huelss, University of Kent
Title: Technological innovation and warfare: losing meaningful human control?
Marijn Hoijtink, VU Amsterdam
Title: Reconfiguring war: The Politics of Engineering Autonomous Weapons Systems
Bruno Oliveira Martins, Peace Research Institute Oslo
Title: Disruptive military technologies: contemporary debates on the politics of defence innovation
12:45 – Lunch break
13:30 – The legal and ethical implications of technology in international security
Chair: Wali Aslam, University of Bath
Discussant: Delina Goxho, Open Society Foundations
Joanna Bryson, University of Bath
Title: Just an artifact: Maintaining and enhancing human accountability through autonomous systems
Noel Trew, International Law Department, British Red Cross
Title: Legal reviews of new technologies used in armed conflicts: a crucial measure to ensure compliance with IHL
Arthur Holland Michel, Centre for the Study of the Drone, Bard College
Title: A Killing by Any Other Name: Weighting Technology in Our Ethical Calculus of Targeted Strikes
Room: 4E3.10
15:15 – Keynote Session: George R. Lucas Jr., US Naval Academy
Title: Ethics for Military Engineering - Voluntary Protocols for Research, Development and Deployment of Lethal Autonomous Weapons
Chair: David Galbreath, University of Bath
Discussant: Jessica Dorsey, University of Amsterdam
17:30 – Reception: Wessex House