A growing number of people live partly in one country and partly in another. Some divide work and leisure between two countries, some commute across borders, and some spend most of their time in one country but have their source of income in another. There are many ways of living in two countries, and we describe these lives as 'transnational lives'. The research project Transnational lives in the welfare state (TRANSWEL) has examined what it means to live in two countries and how such a way of life affects the relations between individuals and the welfare state. In this seminar we present some of our findings.
08.30-08.45 Jørgen Carling: Brief introduction to the project
08.45-08.55 Marta Bivand Erdal: The economics of transnational living
08.55-09.05 Jørgen Carling: Transnational living as an alternative to migration
09.05-09.15 Cathrine Talleraas: Transnational lives and national social security
09.15-09.25 Grete Brochmann: The welfare solidarity contract in an era of human mobility
09.25-10.00 Questions, answers & discussion