What does Islamic finance mean to Muslims in the Nordic countries? How do religious norms about money and finance influence their lives and opportunities? Does the lack of interest-free alternatives to conventional interest-bearing finance lead to economic exclusion of Muslims in the Nordic countries?
Join the event by clicking here. The webinar will be held in Norwegian.
These are some of the questions that have guided the research project Financial Exclusion, Islamic Finance and Housing in the Nordic Countries (FINEX).
In this webinar we will present the main findings from the project based on data generated through an online survey, interviews and focus groups discussions with Muslims in the Nordic countries in the period 2017 – 2019.
The project is carried out by PRIO in collaboration with the University of Aarhus, the University of Gothenburg and the Migration Institute of Finland, funded by the Research Council of Norway.
Following presentations by the project researchers, external speakers are invited to comment on our findings, and to initiate a discussion about possible ways to address the issues uncovered.
The webinar will held in Norwegian.
For more information about the project and its publications please visit: https://www.prio.org/finex
Torkel Brekke, Project leader FINEX/ Professor OsloMet
Kaja Borchgrevink, Senior Researcher PRIO
Marta Bivand Erdal, Research Director/Research Professor PRIO
Senaid Kobilica, leder for Muslimsk Dialognettverk
Abdirahman Diriye, leder i Islamsk Råd Norge
Hussein Awadnur, entreprenør i Ramaas bolig