There are people who don't live in a single country but lead transnational lives. They are an extremely diverse group, spanning divides in privileges, preferences, rights and motivations. In a new special issue of Population Space and Place, we examine the phenomenon of transnational living and explore it through a range of thematic and regional perspectives.
Join us for a launch webinar in which we present how transnational living matters -- as a concept and a real-word phenomenon -- and give your teasers of the articles included in the special issue.
Register if you would like to receive a reminder. The event is open for all.
- Brief introduction (Jørgen Carling)
- Presentation of articles (authors)
- Open discussion
Video abstract of the introduction to the special issue
Special issue | Population Space and Place
Transnational lives: the meanings and implications of living in two countries
Living in two countries: Transnational living as an alternative to migration | Jørgen Carling, Marta Bivand Erdal, Cathrine Talleraas
"In the back of my mind, time always ticks one hour forward": The transnational temporalities of Moldovan domestic workers in Italy | Olga Cojocaru
New economics of transnational living | Marta Bivand Erdal, Jørgen Carling
Transnational lives on the move: Looking beyond binational sedentarism | George Mavrommatis
A shifting yet grounded transnational social field: Interplays of displacement and emplacement in African migrant trajectories across Central America | Heike Drotbohm, Nanneke Winters
'Unintended transnationalism': The challenging lives of Thai women who partner Western men | Paul Statham
The emotion management of transnational living | Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel