This is the first of two roundtable disussions to exchange knowledge and expertise on the UN Security Council's group of elected member states (E10) in favour or women, peace and security (WPS). This event focuses on Sweden in the UN Security Council during 2017-18 and civil society engagement. Sweden entered the Security Council in 2017 with a feminist foreign policy and a vested interest in promoting Women, Peace and Security (WPS).
Consequently, Sweden had a concrete aim of contributing to women’s inclusion in UN Security Council (UNSC) debates and decisions. As a step to achieving these intentions and goals, Sweden built extensive and active collaborations with civil society.
The roundtable brings together researchers from NAI, PRIO and the University of Pretoria, as well as government policy-, and decision-makers, representatives from the UN, and civil society stakeholders from both Sweden and Africa.
This webinar is free and open for all, attendance by registration.