Decided Return Migration. Springer
Decided Return Migration. Springer

Join the PRIO Migration Center for an online book launch of Aida Ibričević’s Decided Return Migration: Emotions, Citizenship, Home and Belonging in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the author will discuss the making of her book, her contributions to return migration scholarship and how her book adds to a better understanding of contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The debate on voluntariness figures prominently in the study of return migration and especially within the governance of returns. When people go back to their country of origin, do they do so because they have to or because they genuinely want to return? This book investigates the latter and borrowing from the work of Jean-Pierre Cassarino, labels this type of return as “decided return migration.” The returnees in this book have decided to leave the comfort and stability of life in the West to return to a post-conflict society. Their return is neither compelled by legal limitations, as most of them have dual and in some cases triple citizenship, nor incentivized by a governmental assisted return program. The book tells us what happens to them after they return.



The conversation will be moderated by Marta Bivand Erdal, Research Professor, PRIO

The link for the webinar will be provided shortly.