CYF2024. Photo: CYF
CYF2024. Photo: CYF

Our panels in specific are

Thursday 03.10.24: 11:30 -13:00 Twenty years of Cyprus in the EU

This panel will critically review Cyprus' accession and first 20 years of membership in the EU. It will feature a keynote speech by f. EU Commissioner Mrs. Androulla Vassiliou followed by a panel discussion that will consider different aspects of the subject: from hopes and expectations of joining the EU to the management of membership and even presidency; from Cyprus' EMU journey to financial hardship and solidarity; and from connectivies between the EU and the Cyprus issue to Turkish Cypriot perspectives of EU membership. Drawing from the complementary expertise areas of participants as well as the experience from the personal involvement of some of them in various capacities, the panel aspires to be a lively discussion blending academic analysis with unique anecdotal accounts.

  • Androulla Vassileiou, (keynote speech)
  • Stephanie Shaelou, Professor of European Law and Reform, Head of School of Law and Director Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the Rule of Law and European Values, UCLan Cyprus
  • Erhan Erçin
  • Cleopatra Kitti
  • Moderator: Harry Tzimitras, Director, PRIO Cyprus Centre Senior Fellow Atlantic Council
  • Knowledge Partner: PRIO Cyprus Centre, CRoLEV

Thursday 03.10.24: 15:00-16:30 Energy Security and Eastern Mediterranean

  • Harry Tzimitras, Director, PRIO Cyprus Centre Senior Fellow Atlantic Council
  • Fikri Toros, Turkish Cypriot Politician
  • Baiba Aleksejuka-Tavaresa, Head of Division (Turkey/EastMed), European External Action Service
  • Sinem Adar, Center for Applied Turkey Studies, German Institute of International and Security Affairs
  • Moderator: Asya Beyaz
  • Knowledge Partner: PRIO Cyprus Centre