CYF Bussels. Photo: CYF
CYF Bussels. Photo: CYF

The PCC was very happy to be part of the 1st Cyprus Forum in Brussels, following a time-honored cooperation between the two institutions. The theme was “Shaping Europe's Future and the Role of Cyprus: Twenty years since the accession, one year before the Cyprus Presidency”.  PCC Director Harry Tzimitras chaired a panel discussion on “Resolving Conflict and Economic Prospects: Lessons from Cyprus and Beyond”, featuring engaging speakers:

  • Loucas Fourlas, Member of the European Parliament;
  • Giulia Bertezzolo, Head of Unit Cyprus Settlement, European Commission
  • Annely Koudstaal, Program Manager Southern Europe, World Bank
  • Evan Kalpadakis, Coordinator, Tsipras Institute for Peace, Justice and Sustainable Growth
  • Erhan Ercin, Former Special Representative to the Turkish Cypriot leader

The PCC has for more than a decade been at the forefront of the debate regarding economic connectivity and the economic aspects of a solution to the Cyprus problem through such studies as