Several new PRIO projects have received funding from the Research Council of Norway's FRIHUMSAM funding program.
Below are a list of the new, PRIO-led projects that have received funding through FRIHUMSAM:
- Societal Transformation in Conflict Contexts, led by Cindy Horst.
- Dynamics of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, led by Ragnhild Nordås.
- Humanitarianism, Borders, and the Governance of Mobility, led by Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert.
Nordås and Jumbert received their funding under the Young Research Talent scheme, dedicated to young researchers who are "conducting independent research of high scientific quality".
Additionally, two projects not led by PRIO but including hours for PRIOites have received funding. These are:
- Rebel Governance in the Middle East, with Pinar Tank.
- Breaking BAD, with Kendra Dupuy.
Earlier this week, Halvard Buhaug also received RCN funding through the KLIMAFORSK funding program.