The Research School on Peace and Conflict invites applications for the PhD course Ethnographic Fieldwork Methodology: Approaches, Tools and Ethics to take place in Oslo on 19-22 March 2018. The deadline for applications is 1 February.
This course prepares participants for conducting ethnographic fieldwork and using fieldwork data in social-science research. By 'fieldwork' we mean data collection through face-to-face interaction with people in their daily lives, using participant observation, interviews, or a combination of the two. The course pays particular attention to the challenges of doing fieldwork in challenging circumstances, such as those that are often encountered in research on peace and conflict, or in the contexts of migration and displacement.
The course is lectured by Jørgen Carling and Cindy Horst, both Research Professors at Prio.
The three-day course is followed by an optional fourth day dedicated to coding and analysing qualitative data in NVivo. This is designed specifically for participants who already use, or plan to use, NVivo for the analysis of ethnographic data. The purpose is to bridge the gap between (1) the methodological, theoretical, and ethical aspects of ethnography, and (2) the technical use of software.
For participation 19-21 March and approved essay: 5 ECTS.
For participation 19-22 March and approved essay: 6 ECTS.
For further information and for the submission of your application, please visit the research school's course page.