The Research School on Peace and Conflict invites applications for the PhD course Advanced Qualitative Methods in Conflict Studies: Case Research and Process Analytics to take place in Oslo on 20-24 August 2018. The deadline for applications is 1 June.
This seminar provides an in-depth introduction to case-based methods and process analytics. The first part surveys key methods, including case studies, case selection and a number of techniques designed to capture process. The latter include practice analytics, process tracing, agent-based modeling, and interviewing. Where ever appropriate, students will be introduced to both the positivist and interpretive variants of particular methods - interviewing and process tracing, for example. In the course's second part, we move from the conceptual to the applied, examining key examples of case and process methods in action - in conflict zones and post-conflict settings. Epistemology, ethics, data access, measurement and transparency are key themes throughout. The fundamental goal is for students to acquire sufficient knowledge to be smart and rigorous users of case-based research in conflict and post-conflict settings. The course will be run as a seminar, where debate and discussion are the norm.
The course is lectured by Professor Jeffrey T. Checkel, PRIO Global Fellow and Simons Chair in International Law and Human Security, Simon Fraser University
Students are encouraged to write a course essay (deadline to be announced). The essays will be marked on a pass/fail basis, and successful essays will be awarded with 10 ECTS.
The course is free of charge, but students will have to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. While PhD students are normally prioritized, others may also apply.
For further information and for the submission of your application, please visit the research school's course page.