While Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert has maternity leave, Kristoffer Lidén will be the Research Director of the Dimensions of Security Department, starting 28 May.
Kristoffer Lidén is a Senior researcher at PRIO and was the coordinator of the UiO-NTNU-PRIO Research School on Peace and Conflict (2011-2017). He also heads the PRIO Research Group on Law and Ethics. He has been at PRIO in different capacities since 2002.
Lidén holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Oslo. He leads a Work Package on the Ethics, Law and Human rights in SOURCE: Virtual Centre of Excellence on Societal Security in Europe, coordinates a research group on Digital Matters in the Nordic Centre of Excellence on Security Technology and Societal Values (NordSTEVA), and is an active member of the Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies (where he will also be acting as director while Maria is on leave).