Clarivate has just announced their 'Journal citation report', containing the most influential ranking of academic journals.
As with previous years, PRIO's own journals, the Journal of Peace Research (JPR) and Security Dialogue (SD) remain highly ranked. SD is now placed 9th in the International Relations category, with an improved 2-year Impact Factor (IF) of 2.710 (they are not in the Political Science category). JPR is ranked 14th in the International Relations (out of 85) and 32nd in Political Science (out of 169) categories, also with an improved 2-year IF of 2.419.
Both journals also do well on the more stable five-year impact factor. The full reports can be accessed here.
Both journals also currently have high rankings on other lists, including Google Scholar Metrics, CiteScores and the SJR. In Google Scholar Metrics, JPR now ranks 1st and SD ranks 12th in the category of Diplomacy and International Relations. SD is also ranked 1st in the category Military Studies on Google Scholar Metrics. In CiteScores, SD now ranks 6th and JPR ranks 8th out of 436 journals in the category of Political Science and International Relations. In Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), JPR ranks 11th and SD 18th out of 465 journals on the category of Political Science and International Relations.