A new report commissioned by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) has been published by PRIO in collaboration with Malian partners.
The report presents findings from a study about the participation of women in peace and reconciliation processes currently underway in Mali. The findings are based primarily on focus group discussions with men and women carried out in Segou and Mopti in central Mali, and Tombouctou in northern Mali, in December 2018.
The objective of these discussions was to identify concrete factors that contribute to and/or hamper the possibilities for women's meaningful participation in peace and reconciliation processes in Mali. The findings identified highlight the need to consider both the specifics of the peace and reconciliation processes taking place in Mali and the more fundamental conditions related to gender inequality in the country.
An important finding is that women play crucial roles in local conflict resolution and management, but they are almost absent in the mechanisms for the implementation of the peace agreement. It is therefore crucial that structures are established to make sure that the concerns and expertise of women at the local level is represented and informs discussions at the national level.
Read the English version of the report here.
Ce PRIO Paper est également disponible en français.