Photo: Przemysław Kluz
Photo: Przemysław Kluz

On Wednesday May 22 Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka and Magdalena Żadkowska, together with Anna Fedas, Jarosław Józefczyk and Ewa Patyk promoted a review report 'Zaufanie Ponad Granicami: Przegląd Literatury Badawczej Dotyczącej Kwestii Zaufania Społecznego, Migracji, Oraz Instytucji Pomocy Społecznej i Ochrony Praw Dziecka' [a Polish language version of 'Trust across Borders: A Review of the Literature on Trust, Migration and Child Welfare Services'] at the VIII Integration and Migration Forum in Gdańsk, Poland.

The review report is an outcome of the “Trust across borders: State institutions, families and child welfare services in Poland and Norway” led by PRIO, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Gdańsk, Poland. The project was funded by the Polish-Norwegian bi-lateral fund, one of the funding mechanisms of the European Economic Area (EEA) funds. For more information about the project and publications, please check