PRIO invites applications for a research administrative position with the joint responsibilities of project development and project management of research funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020/ Horizon Europe, collaborative projects and the ERC). The successful candidate will join PRIO’s Project Development Team, assist project leaders, and play a key role in the management of PRIO’s largest current research project, MIGNEX, which creates new knowledge on migration, development and policy. Our EU Adviser is going on leave, and we are seeking her temporary replacement. The current vacancy is for a fixed term of one year, with possibility of extension.
The EU Adviser serves as Project Manager for the project MIGNEX, which is coordinated by PRIO. The EU Adviser also supports project leaders and the PRIO administration in in the management of the institute’s ERC grants and H2020 projects in which PRIO is a partner.
MIGNEX is a five-year research project (2018–2023) with the core ambition of creating new knowledge on migration, development and policy. It involves approximately 25 researchers at nine institutions in Europe, Africa and Asia and is funded by a grant of €5M from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. In 2020 the project team will carry out data collection in ten countries of origin of migration to Europe. See for information about the project.
The Project Manager works closely with the Project Leader, Research Professor Jørgen Carling in coordinating the project. The Project Manager is responsible for the administrative and financial management of the project and for relations with the European Commission. The Project Manager also works closely with the MIGNEX team at the Overseas Development Institute in London, which is in charge of communications.