Security Dialogue (SD) and the Journal of Peace Research (JPR) remain in the top quartile of journal rankings.
Clarivate's Journal Citation Reports (previously Web of Science/Thomson Reuter's) show the journals' two-year Impact Factor (IF). This is the most commonly used metric of journal influence measuring the average number of citations to articles published in the last two volumes.
JPR's ranking increased from 2.518 last year to 2.704 in 2019. The journal is ranked 11th in the International Relations category (out of 95) and 28th in the Political Science category (out of 180).
By the same metric, Security Dialogue's ranking increased from 2.295 to 2.419, now ranked 18th in the International Relations category.
Five-year Impact factor: Both Security Dialogue and JPR also do well on the more stable five-year impact factor where they are ranked as no. 5 (SD) and 8 (JPR) with an IF of 3.818 for JPR, and 3.968 for Security Dialogue.
In the past years JPR has published a high number of influential articles in the broad field of peace research, including a Special Issue on Refugees, Forced Migration, and Conflict.
Last year, Security Dialogue celebrated its 50th anniversary with a several special issues on the past, present and future of security research as well as hosting various events around the world.
The Journal of Peace Research is edited at PRIO by Scott Gates, with Gudrun Østby and Marianne Dahl as Deputy Editors, Haakon Gjerløw as Desk Editor, Bertrand Lescher-Nuland as the Managing Editor, and Júlia Palik as Social Media Editor.
Security Dialogue is edited by Mark B. Salter, with Marit Moe Pryce as Managing Editor. Jana Hönke, Emily Gilbert, Jairus Grove, Doerthe Rosenow, Anna Stavrianakis and Maria Stern served as Associate Editors, Antoine Bousquet as Digital Editor and Michael Murphy as Editorial Assistant.