In recognition of the risks posed by non-cooperative drones, but especially in cities, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) launched in August 2020 an external study of different metropolitan approaches in confronting this challenge now and in the years to come. Specifically, the study looks to identify, assess and provide guidance and recommendations concerning different possible measures aimed at addressing the security-related threats that drones pose to different stakeholders in a metropolitan context.
PRIO is a member of the project team and responsible for work in fulfilment of specific project deliverables.
The study allows PRIO to build on recent work carried out in the framework of the project Counter-Drone Systems: Implications for Norway in an EU and NATO context, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence in 2019. The February 2020 PRIOreport Countering the Drone Threat, produced within that project, has been presented to, and discussed by, dozens of stakeholders in Norway and in Europe.
More information can be found on the study's webpage.