Join the winter seminar in human geography session on geographical perspectives on migration and borders (Thursday 11 March 10.30-12.00 CET). The four presentations and introduction will focus less on border control, but instead offer multiple views on borders & boundary-making in relation to migration, and to geographical research thereof.
The session is introduced by a set of brief reflections on the question: How is migration defined by borders? (Marta Bivand Erdal, PRIO). This is followed by the presentations:
The "us" and "them" of right wing populism: Border discourses within the Norwegian Progress Party and the Dutch Freedom Party (Sara Larsen; Master's student 2019)
"You are in society up to a point, beyond which you're not any longer, this is our difficulty as immigrants": migrants and the challenge of everyday borders in Italy (Davide Bertelli, Master's student 2019)
Nation and migration: reconsidering boundary-making in the research design (Mette Strømsø )
Geographical patterns of conflict-induced migration – within and across borders (Andreas Forø Tollefsen, PRIO).
Please register for this (and other) session(s) at https://nettskjema.no/a/179877#/page/1
The winter seminar is organised by the University of Oslo's Department of Sociology and Human Geography, all on Zoom.