The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) seeks partners for survey data collection and related tasks in Ghana , Cape Verde and The Gambia
FUMI – Future Migration as Present Fact – is a five-year research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and carried out by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). The project explores how migration that has not yet taken place shapes the lives of individuals and the development of societies.
We invite tenders from experienced, locally based organisations or companies in Ghana, Cape Verde and The Gambia to conduct a face-to-face survey of 1000 individuals in one city in each country (Tema, São Vicente, and Serrekunda). In addition to the survey data collection, the contracts cover translation, training, quality assurance, reporting and administrative facilitation. The administrative facilitation covers both the survey and other data collection within the project. For details, see the attached Terms of Reference.
Tenders may be submitted for more than one country but must in that case be submitted separately. Country-specific expertise and experience is essential.
The deadline for the tender submission is 4 June 2021. The survey training and data collection will take place in the first half of 2022, subject to uncertainties related to the COVID-19 situation. Administrative facilitation of data collection will start as soon as contracts are signed, presumably by the beginning of July 2021.
The FUMI project overall is led by Research Professor Jørgen Carling and the survey is led by Senior Researcher Maryam Aslany.
How to submit a tender
Tenders should be submitted to Dr Maryam Aslany by email (marasl@prio.org) by 23:59 (CEST) on 4 June 2021. Please write "Application for FUMI Survey (country name)" as the email subject.
The tender should include the following:
- Name of the organisation or company responsible for the tender.
- Brief description of the organisation or company.
- Name, contact details, and CV of the person ultimately responsible for the work (e.g. Director, CEO, Head of unit).
- Name, contact details, and CV of the proposed manager of the tasks described in the tender (e.g. project leader).
- Name, contact details, and CV of the proposed fieldwork supervisor(s) for the survey data collection.
- Description of the proposed data collection team, including the number of supervisors and enumerators, and the process of recruiting enumerators.
- If relevant, a description of proposed collaboration with other organisations or companies in carrying out the tasks described in the tender.
- Description of experience in running individual based or household surveys, including names of surveys, sample sizes, data collection methods, dates, and list of previous collaborating partners and projects (in table format).
- Description of experience with computer-assisted personal interviewing on tablets in general and use of SurveyCTO in particular.
- Description of experience in, and familiarity with the relevant research location (Tema, São Vicente or Serrekunda).
Costs (prepared in Excel)
- The total cost in Euros to deliver the tasks described in the Terms of Reference.
- A detailed budget for the staff time, broken down by activity and staff members, including the number of days needed for different staff members.
- A detailed budget for reimbursables, noting down both unit costs and the number of units for each item.
Please submit the tender as an e-mail with the following attachments:
- The tender, covering all the points listed above.
- CVs of relevant individuals, as specified above.
- The costing proposal (Excel).
Successful candidates will be invited for a virtual interview at a mutually convenient time.
If you wish to learn more about FUMI or the survey or have any enquiries, please send an email to Dr Maryam Aslany (marasl@prio.org).