Today we got the news that five PRIO-led projects have succeeded in the most competitive calls for funding from the Research Council of Norway.
"I am immensely pleased with this outcome", says PRIO Director Henrik Urdal. "These projects address core challenges for the international society, and will provide novel knowledge to support policy decisions".
- DISARM: How post-accord disarmament affects peace and conflict dynamics, led by Júlia Palik
- The Legacy of Racial Violence, led by Christian Davenport
- Online Dangerous Speech and Violence (ODAS), led by Sebastian Schutte
- Shaping the Digital World Order: Norms and Agency along the Digital Silk Road in Southeast Asia (NORM), led by Ilaria Carrozza
- Peace Positive Private Sector Development in Africa (P3A), led by Brian Ganson
More information about the individual projects will be released in the upcoming days!