The most relevant PRIO researchers to comment on aspects relevant to the Russia-Ukraine War are listed here.
- PRIO's foremost Russia expert
- Russian foreign and security policy
- Russia's military reform
- Russia's nuclear weapons
- Russian energy policy, with relevance for foreign and security policies
- Russia's relations with Europe and NATO
- pavel@prio.org - +47 906 57 163
- Surveys about geopolitical orientations in Ukraine and Donbas (as well as Crimea and other post-Soviet states and de facto states)
- De facto states (e.g. Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh)
- Civil wars
- Post-war societies
- Protests
- kmbakke@ucl.ac.uk
- Politics in autocracy and democracy
- Political economy, with particular focus on development
- Political regimes and institutions
- Mass-mobilization and protest movements
- haagje@prio.org - +47 995 99 128
- Autocratic/dictatorial regimes and personalist dictators
- Elite and security force defection from regimes
- Regime breakdown
- Democratization
- Social mobilization and democratization
- mdahl@prio.org - +47 988 22 886
- China-Russia relations
- Chinese perspectives on military interventions
- Chinese defense and security policies
- Eurasia
- Global order
- ilacar@prio.org
- Hungarian foreign policy
- Types and effects of third-party interventions
- Internationalized conflicts
- julpal@prio.org - +47 925 26 687
- Arms exports
- Military aid
- Arms trade regulations
- Use of weapons in insurgencies
- nic@prio.org - +47 993 14 945
- Triangular relations China-Russia-US
- China's emphasis on national sovereignty and territorial integrity
- Effects of the Ukrainian crisis on the East Asian Peace
- stein@prio.org - +47 481 01 292
- Migration and refugee issues
- Neighboring countries' humanitarian assistance
- Polish perspectives on the situation
- marta@prio.org - +47 452 17 648
- Gender equality and armed conflict in Europe
- Women, peace and security in Nordic defence
- louise@prio.org - +47 413 65 305
- Conventional military strategy and geopolitics
- Dynamics of insurgency
- Social media in violent conflicts
- Long-term effects of political violence
- sebastian@prio.org