Yesterday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the second part of its Sixth Assessment Report. PRIO Research Professor Halvard Buhaug, who is a chapter lead author, presented findings at the Norwegian launch of the report.
The second part of the Sixth Assessement Report is the result of the contributions of Working Group II. They have assessed the vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems to climate change, negative and positive consequences of climate change and options for adapting to it.
The Sixth Assessment Report is made up of the reports of three working groups and a synthesis report which concludes the assessment in late 2022. 721 experts from 90 countries have been invited to contribute to the Report, including 19 Norwegian researchers.
Halvard Buhaug, Research Professor at PRIO, is part of Working Group II. He is lead author of the chapter about 'Key risks across sectors and regions’, which synthesizes observed impacts and projected risks for all relevant societal outcomes, including conflict and displacement. At the Norwegian launch, he highlighted that the effect of climate on conflict is relatively weak compared to other socioeconomic factor, but that the effect will increase at higher global warming levels.
The recording from the Norwegian launch is available here.
The Norwegian launch was organized by the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), the Institute of Marine Research, and PRIO.