In two new special issues of Conflict and society and Music and Arts in Action, the editors, PRIO researchers Katarzyna Grabska & Cindy Horst, and Katarzyna Grabska & Roy Huijsmans respectively, bring together important new research contributions.
In Conflict and society on 'Art in contexts of violent conflict and displacement: Imagination and resistance'. The articles focus on artists that either create in the context of oppression and control or respond to these contexts by creating spaces of resistance, life in and with violent conflict, transformation, and inspiration. Furthermore they discuss a range of initiatives and artistic practices that take place in a variety of contexts, from artists involved in societal transformation in Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Syria, to artists working in Palestine, Chad, Sri Lanka, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In Music and Arts in Action on: 'Transgressing and reworking boundaries through dance and music in/from the Global South'. To explore further, before reading the articles themselves, check out this piece on art, violent conflict and displacement. The central analytical theme connecting the contributions is that of boundaries and the role of dance and music in transgressing and reworking sets of boundaries in and from the Global South in conflict and post-conflict settings. The. This refers to the boundaries of methodological conventions, the boundaries that are often drawn between what are deemed private and public spheres, the role of gender in relation to boundaries as well the spatial dimension of transgressing and reworking boundaries - including the emplaced aspects of dance and music.
You can also explore further content on the INSPIRE project webpage.