Tore Wig, professor of political science at the University of Oslo and a former associate research professor at PRIO, has been awarded Fridtjof Nansen’s Award for Young Scientists. Wig has been affiliated with PRIO since 2012 and was a full-time employee in 2017–19.
Wig has published extensively, inter alia, on democracy and autocracy, armed conflict, non-violent resistance and military coups. In 2022, he published two books with Cambridge University Press: The Deep Roots of Modern Democracy: Geography and the Diffusion of Political Institutions (with John Gerring, Brendan Apfeld & Andreas Forø Tollefsen) and One Road to Riches? How State Building and Democratization Affect Economic Development (with (Haakon Gjerløw, Carl Henrik Knutsen and Matt Wilson), and a textbook in Norwegian on the causes of war.
He has received several awards for work, including His Majesty the King of Norway’s Gold Medal for the best PhD Dissertation in the social sciences.
The prize is presented at the annual meeting of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo on 3 May.
PRIO congratulates Tore Wig!