The panel on "New ways of warning the public about emergencies: Cell Broadcast technology, Location Based SMS and mobile apps" discussed mobile-based public warning systems for emergencies (including natural disasters, accidents and violent events) that are currently in use or in the process of implementation in the four Nordic countries, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Stine Bergersen (PRIO) presented on "The launch of emergency alerts to mobile phones: The case of Norway". Linda Paxling (Malmö University, Sweden) presented the paper "Creating safer schools? Understanding the architecture and implementation of the Cosafe app". Sunniva Sandbukt (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark) presented the paper "Managing SIRENEN: maintaining both a technological system and public trust". Fuzel Shaik (University of Oulu, Finland) presented on "Emergency communication in the Nordic countries".
The conference theme was "Communication from a Citizen Perspective – Urban Risks and Crises".