Digital Designs poster. Illustration: Åshild Kolås
Digital Designs poster. Illustration: Åshild Kolås

The 'Digital Designs' conference brought together researchers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to discuss the digital designs at the heart of India's tech innovation, from biometric Unique ID (Aadhaar) to the digital rupee (e₹), India's central bank digital currency (CBDC). The two-day conference generated debate and exchange of ideas on topics such as data protection and privacy, e-finance and digital payments, digital ID, blockchain, cyber-security, implications of the growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how e-governance is reconfiguring everyday life in India.

The convenors were Dr. Åshild Kolås, project leader for 'e-Topia: China, India and Biometric Borders' at PRIO, and Dr. Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya, Distinguished Professor in Public Policy at MIT-WPU.