On 27 November, PRIO received the sad news that Professor of social anthropology Thomas Hylland Eriksen passed away.
Thomas was part of PRIO’s research staff for a brief period from 1990 to 1991, while completing his doctoral thesis: Ethnicity and two nationalisms: Social classification and the power of ideology in Trinidad and Mauritius. His engagement with PRIO continued through participation in the editorial committee of PRIO’s Journal of Peace Research (JPR) from 1992 to 1999, including serving for a period as one of the journal’s Associate Editors. He also served as deputy member of the PRIO board (1993-1995).
While saddened by the news of his passing, many PRIO researchers are sincerely and deeply grateful for Thomas’ awe-inspiring and catching positive attitude to research-driven curiosity, and collaborations of all kinds. His generosity and interest, within and across disciplinary boundaries, and irrespective of seniority levels, remains a powerful inspiration.
Thomas offered valuable perspectives, and asked important critical questions, as member of advisory boards for several projects at PRIO in the past decade. Asked to contribute to books and articles, seminars or to simply give his perspective, it seemed his answer was nearly always ‘yes’.
He will be missed by many, for his unique generosity and invaluable, often daring, contributions to research on the big issues of our time: among them, conflict and peaceful co-existence.