- Peacebuilding and transitional justice in the Western Balkans
- The role of media in transitional justice processes
- Geopolitics in the Western Balkans
- Kosovo-Serbia dialogue
- Gender, peace and security
Teuta Kukleci left PRIO in 2022. The information on this page is kept for historical reasons.
Teuta Kukleci is Communicator at PRIO. She holds an M.Phil. in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Oslo. Before taking up the position of Communicator, Teuta worked as a communication and research assistant at PRIO. She has also interned at the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security and at the Norwegian Embassy in Zagreb.
Teuta has an interdisciplinary educational background, including history, political science, business and economics, and international law. She has a strong interest in the possibilities and challenges for peacebuilding and transitional justice, geopolitics, and the gendered dimensions of these fields.
Geographical focus: Western Balkans.
Languages: Albanian, Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian, English, Norwegian.
Kelly Fisher and Teuta Kukleci have each been nominated for the Centre for Gender Research award "Best Master's Thesis With a Gender Perspective" for 2021.
The PRIO Gender, Peace and Security Update (GPS Update) is an electronic newsletter launched by the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security in response to growing interest among the public for information about Gender, Peace and security Issues.
Teuta Kukleci has successfully defended her master's thesis The “Low Road”: Ethnic Division and Bosnian Newspaper Coverage of Landmark Cases of Sexual Violence at the ICTY at the University of Oslo.
COVID-19 has quickly changed everything from our daily routines, to the policies of governments, to the fortunes of the global economy.
The June 2019 issue of the PRIO Gender, Peace and Security Update is out now.
On 5 and 6 June, representatives from five Gender/Women, Peace and Security Centres and Institutes met in Oslo for a third annual consortium meeting.