Jessica Hagen-Zanker: Bibliography

16 publications

Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Marcela Rubio & Marta Bivand Erdal (2024)
How do perceptions, fears, and experiences of violence and conflict affect considerations of moving internally and internationally?

Journal article in Journal of Refugee Studies

Jørgen Carling, Jessica Hagen-Zanker & Zina Weisner (2024)
New insights on the causes of migration


Jessica Hagen-Zanker et al. (2024)
The multi-level determinants of international migration aspirations in 25 communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East

Journal article in World Development

Jessica Hagen-Zanker (2024)
Using satellite maps to build sampling frames in migration surveys

Book chapter in Handbook of Research Methods in Migration

Jørgen Carling et al. (2023)
The multi-level determination of migration processes

MIGNEX Background paper

Nicolás Caso et al. (2023)
Migration and alternative responses to dissatisfaction

MIGNEX Background paper

Jessica Hagen-Zanker & Jørgen Carling (2023)
What are the ‘root causes’ of migration?

MIGNEX Policy Brief

Carlos Vargas-Silva et al. (2023)
Tackling the root causes of migration

MIGNEX Background paper

Jørgen Carling & Jessica Hagen-Zanker (2022)
Migration and development dynamics in São Nicolau, Cabo Verde

MIGNEX Case Study Brief

Camille Kasavan et al. (2022)
Migration and development dynamics in Redeyef, Tunisia

MIGNEX Case Study Brief

Marta Bivand Erdal & Jessica Hagen-Zanker (2022)
Migration decision-making

Book chapter in Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies

Jessica Hagen-Zanker & Richard Mallett (2022)
Inside the ‘efficacy gap’: Migration policy and the dynamics of encounter

Journal article in International Migration

Jessica Hagen-Zanker & Gemma Hennessey (2021)
What Do We Know about the Subjective and Intangible Factors That Shape Migration Decision-Making?

PRIO Paper

Jessica Hagen-Zanker et al. (2020)
Survey data collection

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter

Helen Dempster et al. (2019)
Communications and impact

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter

Jørgen Carling et al. (2019)
Data management plan

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter

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