Davidovic works on a range of topics in just war theory and international humanitarian law, including AI, proportionality in war, displacement in war, humanitarian interventions, human rights, and transitional justice.
Email: jovana-davidovic@uiowa.edu
Davidovic works on a range of topics in just war theory and international humanitarian law, including AI, proportionality in war, displacement in war, humanitarian interventions, human rights, and transitional justice.
Davidovic' primary appointment and affiliation is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Iowa, where she also holds a secondary appointment at the Center for Human Rights and the Law School. At PRIO, she is working on topics at the intersection of AI and ethics.
Prof. Davidovic is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Stockdale Center for Ethical leadership at the United States Naval Academy, where she was a Resident Fellow 2021-22. Davidovic is a Chief Ethics Office for BABL AI, a research consultancy that focuses on AI and algorithm auditing and risk assessments as well as governance of AI and ethics of AI training.
Davidovic co-leads (with Greg Reichberg) PRIO's research project, "Ethical Risk Assessment of AI-enabled Weapons: A Systems Approach," funded by the Research Council of Norway. Her recent work in the field includes a report on testing and evaluation of AI-enabled weapons systems, current state of AI governance, operationalization of ethics principles for soldier enhancement, analysis of the purpose of meaningful human control of AI weapons, and others.