Lars Wilhelmsen left PRIO in 2004. The information on this page is kept for historical reasons.

Lars Wilhelmsen

Interests and experience

  • The relationship between democracy and peace.
  • Theories of democratisation.
  • Theoretical and operational concepts of democracy.

Languages spoken:

Norwegian, English, some German.

Working experience:

2003-2004 Data Management Asisstant, CSCW.
2001-2002: Research Assistant, PRIO.
2000-2001: Developer - Languages in Contrast (SPRåk I Kontrast, SPRIK) , IBA, Universitety of Oslo.


Cand. Mag, 1994-1998, University of Oslo (BA eqiv, 4 years)
Area study Western Europe (foundation subject), Language, Logic and Information (Intermediate subject), Political Science (Intermediate subject).

Political Science, (Hovedfag - MA eqiv, 2 years), courses in:
Institutional theory, Game- and Negotiation theory, Causes of Armed Conflict, Evaluation of Public Mangaement, Opinion formation and Public opinion, EU Foreign Policy, International Negotiations, and Statistics.

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