Languages spoken:
Norwegian, English, French, and Spanish
**Working experience:**From August 2013: Lead researcher on OSCE project on the development of National Action Plans for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
From October 2006: PhD candidate (research associate) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and at the Centre for the Study of Civil War at PRIO
November 2004-September 2006: Research assistant at the Centre for the Study of Civil War
June-October 2004: Research assistant at the Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for aldersdemens, where I cowrote a research report on people with learning disabilities and their ageing processes.
January-March 2004: Campaign coordinator for Human-Etisk Forbund. I was coordinating the activities of 400 confimants in Oslo who collected money for development projects in India.
October-December 2003: Research assistant at the Centre for the Study of Civil War, where I updated a conflict database under the supervision of Centre director Scott Gates.
In my spare time I am an active member of the board of Norske Leger mot Atomvåpen, the Norwegian affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. We are currently focusing on a campaign to ban nuclear weapons and continuing the work against the uncontrolled spread of small arms and light weapons.
I have also been chair of the board at Norsk Fredssenter (Norwegian Peace Centre), now a part of the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue.
2000-2003: Hovedfag (Master´s degree) in sociology at the University of Oslo, with theory courses from Northwestern University, USA.
1999: Cand. Mag. (Bachelor´s degree) from the University of Oslo including the subjects psychology, medicine and sociology.