PRIO has successfully secured funding for four new projects to support research addressing today’s critical societal challenges, including two focused on Norwegian security and defence.
The Power of Ideas: Muslim Humanitarians and the SDGs (HUMA) is coming to an end on 30 June 2024.
The AsiaPeace project was successfully launched in August 2023.
PRIO’s project ‘The power of ideas: Muslim humanitarians and the SDGs’ (HUMA) successfully organized a workshop in Istanbul from 27 - 30November 2022.
PRIO has received funding from the Research Council of Norway for the 3-year project Developmental Peace? Local Perceptions of China’s Engagement in Pakistan and Afghanistan (AsiaPeace).
Yesterday, a video featuring the Global Women, Peace and Security Index went viral on TikTok, garnering over 700,000 likes so far.
Studies of lived religion among Muslims in Europe increasingly analyse how Muslims’ everyday practices are informed by religious beliefs, norms and values.
The third edition of the global Women, Peace and Security Index (WPS Index) draws on recognized data sources to measure women’s inclusion, justice, and security in 170 countries.
In a new article published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Kaja Borchgrevink and Ida Roland Birkvad examine how the Islamic prohibition of riba – charged interest (on loans) – shapes ideas about homeownership and housing choices among Muslim professional women in Oslo, Norway.
Muslim humanitarian actors are increasingly recognized as important contributors in humanitarian and development efforts.
Survey responses needed: Islamic banking is a growing sector globally, but there is little knowledge about how Muslims in the Nordic region relate to questions of Islamic finance and to the relationship between religion and economy.
Kaja Borchgrevink and Marta Bivand Erdal gave a seminar on 'The Pakistani diaspora in Norway', at the Lahore School of Economics, Centre on International Migration, Remittances and Diaspora (CIMRAD), Monday 5 March 2018.
Kaja Borchgrevink has defended her thesis today, 9 June 2017 'With Faith in Development: Islamic Charity as Development in Practice?' at Department of International Environment and Development Studies Noragric, Faculty of Landscape and Society at NMBU Ås Campus.
Yesterday the Research Council of Norway (RCN) announced that the research project with the title "FINEX: Financial Exclusion, Islamic Finance and Housing in the Nordic Countries" has been successful in the RCN call "Welfare, Working Life and Migration (VAM)".
Women Engaging in Islamic Charity as ‘Development Agents’
Funded by AIDEFFECT program of Research Council of Norway
As this year's Ramadan has started, PRIO researchers Kaja Borchgrevink and Marta Bivand Erdal have published an op ed in the Norwegian daily Klassekampen titled 'The Invisible Aid' [Den usynlige bistanden].
Kaja Borchgrevink is now coordinator for PRIO's research group on religion.
It is now possible to download the report from the November 2007 Conference Peacebuilding in Afghanistan: How To Reach the Women.
PRIO organized a seminar with Dr.