Languages spoken:
English, Russian, French, German
Working experience:
2004 - : Norwegian Ministry of Defence
From May 1998 - Dec 2003 I worked as a researcher at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO). The focus of my work was my doctoral project in history.
From Oct. 1997 to May 1998 I had a permanent position as a Høyskolelektor in International History at the Military Academy, Linderud.
From January to Oct. 1997 I worked as a researcher at the Institute for Defence Studies in Oslo.
May 1998: I started working on my doctoral dissertation and joined the Dr. Art. programme at the History Dep., University of Oslo. The title of my Ph.D. dissertation is "Soviet Policies toward Indochina, 1949-1964. The Sino-Soviet Alliance and the Coming of the Indochina Wars".
Dec. 1996: Cand. Philol. degree in history from the University of Oslo. The title of my history thesis is: "Solidarity and National Revolution. The Soviet Union and the Vietnamese Communists, 1954-1960".
June 1993: Cand. Mag. degree from the University of Oslo with the following subjects: Russian language and literature, history and studies in politics (Erasmus student at University College Dublin, Ireland).