Nina Græger left PRIO in 1996. The information on this page is kept for historical reasons.

Nina Græger

Nina Græger

Interests and experience

Nina Græger is the incoming Director of PRIO, effective as of July 2025. She is a Norwegian political scientist, and currently Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen.

Research interests

  • Regional and global security and international order
  • International organisations (mainly the EU, NATO)
  • European and Nordic foreign and security policy, Norwegian defense policy, military sociology
  • International relations theory, practice theory, discourse analysis and strategy
  • Geographic focus: Europe, the Nordic region, the Arctic/'High North', the transatlantic area and the Balkans

Currently, Nina Græger is particularly interested in how geopolitics and great power rivalries affect the framework for and co-operation in Nordic and European security – including territorial, hybrid and climate security. In a journal article from 2024, "High Politics" and Everyday Practices at the Border: Emerging Communities of Practice in the High North", she shows how local collaboration arising over time – communities of practice – often continues across national borders, despite international tension and conflict.

Education and work experience Nina Græger holds an MSc in Economics from the Department of Political Science at the University of Oslo in 1994 and a PhD (dr. polit.) from the same place in 2007 with the dissertation Norwegian Defence Discourse 1990-2005: The Internationalization of the Armed Forces.

Prior to her current position at the University of Copenhagen, she has worked as a researcher at PRIO from 1993-1996 and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) from 1998-2019.

Work positions
ResearcherPeace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Research AssistantPeace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Graduate StudentPeace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
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