Languages spoken:
Norwegian, professional; English, professional; German, conversational;
Working experience:
2002- : Project Manager on Balkan Dialogue Project at PRIO (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo. The Balkan Dialogue Project`s goal is to promote reconciliation and the strengthening of civil society in Balkan.
2001: Refugee Attaché in Kosovo for the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.
1996-2002: Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Department of Immigration, Senior Executive Officer and Adviser.
1993-1996: Directorate of Immigration, Executive Officer and Senior Executive Officer
1988-1993: Norwegian Red Cross, Tanum transit centre for refugees, Social worker, receptionist, night shift work.
1988 - 1993 Cand. Polit. Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway.Courses; Transnational co-operations, International Political economy War and peace studiesNation, States and Nationalism, Developing Countries in international politics.
1985 - 1988 Cand. Mag. in Political Science at University of Oslo, Norway. Social Anthropology, Social Geography, Project orientated degree course in teamwork and organisation.
1984 Examen Philosophicum.