Mari Holmboe Ruge: Bibliography

11 publications

Mari Holmboe Ruge (1973)
Some Characteristics of Peace Research Institutes

Book chapter in Conflict Control and Conflict Resolution

Mari Holmboe Ruge (1972)
Decision-makers as Human Beings: An Analysis of Perception and Behavior in a Cross-cultural Simulation Experiment

Master thesis

Mari Holmboe Ruge (1970)
Small-power vs bid-power perspective on foreign policy: A comparative analysis of behaviour in Norwegian and US simulation experiments

Book chapter in Proceedings of the International Peace Research Association Third Conference. Vol III Case Studies, Simulations and Theories of Conflict

Mari Holmboe Ruge (1968)
Factors affecting the structure of diplomacy: The case of Norway

Book chapter in Proceedings of the International Peace Research Association Second Conference. Vol. 1: Studies in Conflicts

Mari Holmboe Ruge (1968)
Hva finnes av fredsforskning?


Mari Holmboe Ruge (1966)
Present trends in peace research

Book chapter in Proceedings of the International Peace Research Association Inaugural Conference

Mari Holmboe Ruge (1966)
Are You a Member of a Peace Organization?

Journal article in Journal of Peace Research

Mari Holmboe Ruge (1965)
Norske utenrikstjenestemenn 1905-1965: en analyse av rekruttering og sosial bakgrunn

Journal article in Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning

Mari Holmboe Ruge & Johan Galtung (1965)
Patterns of Diplomacy. A Study of Recruitment and Career Patterns in Norwegian Diplomacy

Journal article in Journal of Peace Research

Mari Holmboe Ruge & Johan Galtung (1965)
The Structure of Foreign News. The Presentation of the Congo, Cuba, and Cyprus Crises in Four Norwegian Newspapers

Journal article in Journal of Peace Research

Mari Holmboe Ruge (1964)
Technical Assistance and Parliamentary Debates

Journal article in Journal of Peace Research

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